We Miss Dads

Lifeway Research released the results of a survey in which they asked 1,000 Protestant pastors across the U.S. to indicate which Sundays their church attendance is highest each year. What do you think was first? Easter (93 %). Second? Christmas (84 %). Third? Mother’s Day (59 %). Father’s Day? Last with just 4 % of pastors saying it was one of their highest attendance Sundays. We (the church) have work to do. Over the years dads have seen their biblical responsibility as head of the household misunderstood and condemned. Head of the household does not mean “dictator” it means “leader” in the sense that dad is supposed to lead by example. Husbands are to love their wives as Christ loved the church. Christ loved the church (His people) with compassion, mercy, forgiveness, respect, and selflessness. In this same way husbands are to love their wives. The Bible also instructs husbands to provide for their families. In so many ways our society has turned that obligation over to the government with more families on public assistance than ever before. Our so-called “war on poverty” has done little more than give men an excuse to be unaccountable and apparently unnecessary. As a leader, one a father’s primary responsibilities is to acquaint his children with Scripture. Teach them at home and bring them with you to church. Since society has decided it is now politically incorrect to have dad be the “leader” (the head of the household) he has stopped doing so hence last place at 4% and families are crumbling around us. I believe the church needs to get back to teaching the biblical understanding of the role of husband and father. Do you think it would make a difference if husbands began to love their wives as Christ loved the church and provided for their families and brought their children to church? I do.      


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