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School Clothes

Did you ever notice when looking at old photographs (I mean from back in the 1930’s or 40’s), the way people dressed? It’s fascinating to see a photo of a picnic. A man and a woman, perhaps on a date, sitting on a blanket on the ground. Her dress spread out around her and he in a suit jacket, white shirt, skinny tie, and hat. You’ll find the same at a baseball stadium. Seats full guys with suits, ties, and hats, all cheering at Yankee Stadium. Can you imagine wearing a suit and tie to Fenway Park to watch a Boston Red Sox game today? Things have surely changed. When I was growing up there was a distinct and definite difference between the clothes you wore to school and those you went out to play in after getting home. We even called them our “school clothes” and our “play clothes.” You would never think of wearing your school clothes out to play or your play clothes to go to school. I live near the high school in my town and today, I often see kids walking to school wearing sweatpant...

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