Time is a Funny Thing
It is hard to believe but it is already February. Unlike up in Maine, where we lived for twenty years, down here in the south (Connecticut), that means about four to six weeks of winter left. Before you know it, I will be putting the snow shovels back in the shed. Trees will begin budding and flowers will start to bloom as spring arrives.
Time is a funny thing. When I was ten, I couldn’t wait to be a teenager. When I was a teenager, I couldn’t wait to be an adult. When I was an adult working in the Post Office, I couldn’t wait to retire. I’ll always remember the pin number of my debit card back then was 2-0-1-8 – the year I would have retired from the post office. It seems I was always looking for joy up ahead. Around the corner. The following year. Now, as I look back, I wonder where did the time go? I am almost sixty. I have been married forty years, have three sons in their thirties, a precious grandson, and I am nine years away from retirement. Am I still looking back or ahead for joy? Looking ahead. Looking back. I feel as though we should all spend more time treasuring today.
My pastor in Kittery Point, years ago, Rev. Kelloway, used to begin every Sunday morning worship service with Psalm 118:24, “This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.” I confess, I have borrowed that and use it every Sunday as well. However, I use to think of it as applying only to Sunday morning, because Sunday is special. It is the day we gather together and worship God. Sunday is special. The Bible reminds us “…let us not neglect our meeting together” (Hebrews 10:25) and being together with my brothers and sisters-in-Christ, singing, praying, worshiping is indeed a reason to rejoice. However, I have come to realize so is Monday morning and Tuesday and all the other days of the week. Each day is an opportunity to love and serve my family, friends, and community. Another chance to glorify and honor God. To share the gospel with someone who does not know how much God loves them, and that’s awesome. Exciting. Joyful!
Sure, I have great memories of the past fifty-nine years of my childhood, friends, marriage and children. I have wonderful plans of things to do with my grandson and in retirement. It is good to have memories and plans for the future, but I pray these do not overload my thoughts so much that I miss today. I pray the same for all of you. I want to share a prayer from one of the prayer books on my shelf. Father T. Haney wrote, “[I pray I do not] treat people as “cases” or as “problems” to be solved, or even as “annoyances” disrupting my plans for the day. Am I aware that each person who walks into my life for whatever reason is a bearer of Your revelation to me?”
Yes, “[Today] is the day the Lord has made.”
Tomorrow will be as well. I invite you to “rejoice and be glad in it.”
Remember to email your praises and petitions to southchurchprayer@gmail.com. We lift them up every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 4:00 pm on Facebook Live.
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