Spy Wednesday

Today is Wednesday. The middle of Holy Week. Medieval Christians called this “Spy Wednesday” in accord with the traditional definition of the English word, “one who keeps secret watch on a person or thing to obtain information.” This is the day Judas agreed to betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. That was not a lot of money really. Well, it was, and it wasn’t. Thirty pieces of silver in Judas’ day works out to be about $200, or four-months wages. Surely, anyone would love to have an extra four month’s pay, but to betray the Lord? Is there any amount of money worth doing that?

“Absolutely, not!” we all reply insistently, and yet, we all betray Him for far less. Yes, we betray God every time we choose our way and not His. Every time we ignore someone in need like in the Good Samaritan story. Every time we do not forgive. Every time we do not show mercy. Every time we do not love. Every time we disregard or overlook His word because we believe we know better. That we know what’s right and wrong, moral and immoral.

I believe Judas actually had a plan. He did not agree with Jesus’ passive approach. Judas wanted Jesus to show the Sanhedrin and everybody else who He really was. Display His power and authority. Prove that He is the Son of God! Judas figured that if he forced Jesus into a corner. Put Him before the authorities. He would have to reveal who He was. He did. Jesus revealed He is the Lamb of God sent to take away the sins of the world. He was to be the sacrifice that secured our salvation. By the time Judas figured this out, it was too late.

Why do I believe this? Because if Judas wanted Jesus dead, then when Jesus is crucified – mission accomplished. If Jesus’ death was the goal, why would Judas be so despondent that he returns the $200 and hangs himself? That makes no sense. No, Judas tried to force Jesus’ hand – to do his will not the Lords. 

At the very least, Judas had a reason. What’s ours? Why do we betray Christ? For what? So that we can do whatever we want to do without exception? Is that better or worse than Judas’ motivation?

Today, on “Spy Wednesday,” and on every other day to come, I pray we remember Paul’s plea, “And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice – the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect” (Romans 12:1-2).

May our lives glorify and honor God. I know you will fail on occasion. I do. We all do. In those moments we can rely on God’s grace. However, my prayer is that those moments are the exception rather than the rule.


Remember to email your praises and petitions to southchurchprayer@gmail.com. We lift them up every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 4:00 pm on Facebook Live.


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