Give Me a “J!”
I am excited about my New York Jets this coming season. We just recently signed four- time NFL MVP, veteran quarterback Aaron Rodgers. I feel as if we actually have a good shot at the playoffs this year. The larger question for many listening might be, “Why are you a New York Jets fan?” Fair question. When I was young the most famous player of the late 1960’s mid-1970’s was Joe Namath. He was the Michael Jordan, Tom Brady, Tiger Woods of my childhood, and I was a fan. The fact is, if Joe had played for the Cincinnati Bengals, I would have been a Bengals fan. But it was Broadway Joe who led the Jets to victory in Super Bowl III. I have been a Jets fan ever since, and it has been a bleak journey. We have never really competed for a championship since that victory over the Baltimore Colts in 1968.
Why all this talk about football in May? Well, all the trades happen in
the offseason and Rodgers was just signed. Why do I talk about the Jets in the
first person? That’s a better question. “My New York Jets.” “We haven’t
competed for a championship.” It’s as if I play for the team. Trust me, neither
Joe Namath nor Aaron Rodgers knows my name and I have absolutely nothing to do
with the success or failure of the team.
Still, we do get worked up for our favorite teams, right? As a Boston
Red Sox fan, I simply cannot bring myself to ever cheer for the New York
Yankees. As a Boston Celtics fan, I loathe the Los Angeles Lakers. It’s silly,
really. So much emotional energy invested in a team that has no effect on my life
whatsoever. I remember how excited I was when “my” Red Sox won the World Series
in 2018, and how heartbroken I was when the Celtics lost to the Golden State
Warriors last year. Why? The day after the Red Sox won, my life was pretty much
the same. The “glow” fades after a couple of hours and life goes on. When the U
Conn men’s basketball team was eliminated from the NCAA tournament this year, I
was bummed. But I changed the channel to see what was being sold on QVC (Yeah,
I’m that old) and forgot all about it very quickly.
It’s odd, isn’t it? We get so passionate about our favorite sports
teams. Have you ever seen on television those guys who paint their entire
bodies with the team colors and dress like Vikings in Minnesota or Pirates in
Pittsburgh? I’m not that crazy. Actually, as we live just a few hours from the
Meadowlands, where the Jets play, Renée has asked me several times if I want
tickets to go see a game live. Nah. I like sitting in my recliner in my living
room with heat or air conditioning. Getting up for a drink or a snack that
doesn’t cost me fifty dollars. And not waiting in line for the men’s room. I’m
good. Yet, that’s what some people do. They wait in long lines to pay hundreds
of dollars for tickets. Then drive to the stadium and pay ridiculous parking
fees so they can sit in a crowded stadium in a seat half the size it should be
to watch a game from half a mile away. And in the end what have the Jets,
Celtics, or Red Sox ever done for me, really?
In contrast, the Bible says, “God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners” (Romans 5:8). God forgave me of my sins – us of our sins through His and only Son – Jesus. I feel as though we should at least be as invested in Sunday morning as we are in our favorite football team, am I right? I mean, imagine if people came on Sunday mornings and tailgated in church parking lots. Then crowded into full meeting houses to cheer Jesus! Can you picture people getting dressed up as apostles and doing the wave? I know it’s a bit much to visualize, but the point is we will do so for a bunch of athletes we do not know who are unable to affect our lives in any way. Why are we not as excited about someone who does know us personally – who knows the number of hairs on our head – and who has affected our lives eternally? I don’t know.
I do hope my Jets – “the Jets” – have a good season this year. However, I will still start every Sunday at 277 Main Street in Hartford first. Making a joyful noise unto the Lord and entering His gates with thanksgiving, His courts with praise. Give me a “J,” give me an “E,” give me a “S,” give me a “U,” give me an “S!” What’s that spell? “Jesus.” Who saved your life? “Jesus!” That would be fun, wouldn’t it?
Remember you can email praises and petitions to I lift them up every Wednesday at 4:00 pm on Facebook Live.
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