After I got saved back in 1989, I bought myself a Bible. I figured if I am going to join this “Christian” team, I best familiarize myself with the ground rules of the game. It was an NIV (New International Version) Bible. Easier to read than the King James version I tried to read twelve years earlier. All the “Shakespearean” English (“thee,” “thou,” “whither,” “walketh,” “standeth,” “knoweth,” “begat”) was rough. I fully admit, I only made it a few pages before I gave up. This time, I thought, “As I am a Christian, how about I start with the Christ parts?” So, I opened up to the Gospel of Matthew and began. It was a much more successful undertaking.
The more I read. The more I understood. Both what I wasn’t doing and what I was supposed to do as a man of God. The whole Bible is amazing. There is truth and wisdom found on every page. And, to think, this is God’s Word – the message He wants us to hear and know and follow – was staggering to comprehend. I have since read the Bible from beginning to end many times and it never gets old. I learn something new each and every time I turn a page. I find it hard, however, to pick one verse as my favorite. Why would I try to?
Well, often times someone would ask, “Hey, what’s your ‘life verse’?” Meaning, of all 31,103 verses, there is supposed to be one that means the most to me. Really? Just one? Today, I frequently find myself saying, “This is one of my favorite verses…” But I say it hundreds of times. So, does that really count? As a new Christian, I thought I should have an answer ready for whoever asked the question. So, I chose Hebrews 11:1. In the 1995, 10th Anniversary Edition NIV (which is what I had) it reads, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”
That really spoke to me. As Jesus said to Thomas who doubted that Jesus had truly risen from the grave, “You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me” (John 20:29). Jesus is talking about you and me here.
No, I have not physically seen Jesus like the apostles and many others in and around Judea did. I believe, based on a choice. A decision. But I do believe. Just as truly as Peter, Paul, Martha, Mary, Lazarus, and James did. Think of it like this. Can anyone “see” the wind? No. We can feel it on our faces. We can see the effect it has on trees, the ocean, and pinwheels. But the wind itself is invisible. Likewise, can we “see” love? No. When your mother snuggled you as a child, you felt love. Just as when your spouse hugs or kisses you, you feel love. But you cannot “see” it. Still, we are sure of the existence of wind and love because we can see the effect they have on other things and people.
It’s the same with the Lord. Although we cannot “see” Him, we can feel Him, and we can see the effect He has on others as well as ourselves. When someone is saved. Born again. Accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior. They change. If their conversion is genuine, they do. One cannot accept Jesus into their heart and remain the same person as before. It’s simply not possible. If they are the same person. They have not truly been converted.
When a person’s conversion is real, they are more loving, kind, understanding, patient, willing to help, forgiving, and thankful, just to name a few things. And you can see that. That is why I have faith. I am certain of what I cannot see. I have seen the effect of wind on pinwheels and the Holy Spirit on me and so many others in my life. Yes, “…faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see” and I have faith. I pray you do too.
Remember you can email praises and petitions to I lift them up every Wednesday at 4:00 pm on Facebook Live.
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