As I serve a church in the City of Hartford, one of the things I hear several times each day is sirens. Police cars, fire trucks, ambulances, pass by my office all the time. At first, it was annoying but after a while it made me think. First, someone is in distress. I should pray. Second, someone is responding to the emergency. How blessed are we? Do we think about that? If we need help of any kind, all we have to do is dial 9-1-1 and emergency service personnel will be on their way. Fire fighters who go into burning buildings. Police officers who run toward the sound of gun fire. EMT’s ready to assist us medically. Incredible.
God tells us in His word that we are supposed to “Give justice to the poor and the orphan; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute. Rescue the poor and helpless; deliver them from the grasp of evil people” (Psalm 82:3-4). He also says, “For I, the Lord, love justice. I hate robbery and wrongdoing” (Isaiah 61:8). We are so blessed that there are men and women who willingly risk their own lives on a daily basis to try and keep us safe. Now, are there bad apples among the bunch? Sure. There are in every people group. Is everyone who goes to church saved? Uh, no. Some aren’t even very nice. Does that mean all Christians are bad? No. The same goes for police and fire. Some are not nice, but the overwhelming majority are dedicated to keeping us safe and seeking justice.
With that truth in mind, now, whenever I hear a siren I pray, “Lord, be with those emergency personnel as they respond to someone in need. May they use their God-given gifts and talents to the best of their ability to help. And to whom they respond. May they recognize Your sovereignty and increase their faith at this time. Or, if they have not yet, begin a relationship with Your Son Jesus, in Whose name I pray, Amen.”
Yeah. I probably pray that prayer ten to twelve times a day. It is a prayer of hope. I hope everyone is going to be okay. It is a prayer of blessing. “Lord, please watch over all those who may be putting themselves in harm’s way.” It is a prayer of salvation. That whoever is in need might turn to God not just 9-1-1.
We are also blessed to have a Life Flight helicopter in Hartford. When I
hear it take off or land at nearby Hartford Hospital, I lift up a prayer then
as well. I ask God to protect the medical personnel inside, the pilot, and
those to whom they are on route. I mean, let’s be honest when Life Flight is on
the way, things are never good.
Just as I pray, we would always honor those serving or have served in the United States armed forces, I hope we never take for granted those who have chosen to protect and serve us in our villages, towns, and cities. We are indeed blessed.
The next time you see or hear a siren, pause for a moment, and consider. Someone has been injured or is in distress. It is someone’s mom, dad, brother, sister, loved one. Lift up a prayer. Both for the person who is in need and the amazing people who are there every time we dial 9-1-1. “…give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:20).
Remember you can email praises and petitions to I lift them up every Wednesday at 4:00 pm on Facebook Live.
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